

I'm up way too late again! Today was a fun filled day! We all went to a home for blind folks as well as people with disabilities. We were able to fellowship with the people, pray with them, and worship. It was an eye opening and also heartbreaking time because alot of the time I was wondering where these people's families were. Many of them were very old, so it's sad to think that their kids didn't take care of them. I was able to say "God bless you" in Romanian to one of the men there. . . it was a humbling experience.

The men stayed behind while we visited the folk home to work on a project at the church. They are planning on leveling out the stairs at the entrance. It's hard to explain how the stairs are positioned, but I will try to get before and after pictures. After lunch, we drove to Moreni where Pastor Eugene held his first youth service. He plans on planting a church there, and everything is unfolding in awesome ways! We went out street evangelizing to the youth of Moreni and gathered kids for the youth service. Scott King, Tom, and Pastor Travis gave their testimonies and there was awesome worship by Claudio and fun games! About 10-15 youth showed up and about 8 gave their lives to Jesus! It was amazing meeting and encouraging new friends! Many of them have Facebooks, so I'm excited about adding them. We got back pretty late and had a late dinner. We got back to our hotel around 9:30 and decided to meet everyone in Masters Commision for coffee at 10. We tried a new cafe which was bumpin and had loud  music! So we spent the night dancing with yummy drinks! It was a blast, but I'm dead tired! 

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