

Today we did another Micro Kids service in the village! It was a blast! We had the chance to teach them "Boom Chaka Laka" and taught them "Jesus Loves You" in Romanian. It was an awesome experience and I'm so excited for the great things that are and will continue to take place in this ministry! We were supposed to go to Doicesti to do another service, but we ran out of time. We ended up starting street evangelizing early for the youth even tonight. The plan was to have a bunch of youth gather in a coffee shop for music and games and dramas that sort of thing, but the shop ended up being closed. We gathered in the park instead. It was a fun filled day. One of the coolest things is the way Christian teenagers talk about God here. He is so real to them and usually it's not like that for most young people. For example, my new friend Claudio is a total goof ball and always being funny and messing around, but when we talk about Jesus it's just so simple to him. He basically says you know what it's all up to Jesus. I want to serve Jesus. And I think that's so awesome. Today we had a conversation about the mind blowing things Jesus did on earth. It's crazy for me to have these kind of conversations because although I've always been close to God, I never really shared my faith with others in such an open way. God is continuing to speak to me through His disciples here in RO. . . please continue to keep the team in your prayers!

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