

 It's so sad to think about only having three days left in this gorgeous town. :( But I can't think ab out it, or I will become depressed! Today we went to the gypsy village to pass out the bags of food to all the homes. We split into groups. . . I was with Imelda, Jason, and my Romanian friend Claudio. We were invited into their homes and had the opportunity to pray over them. It was way harder than what I expected- I had many weak moments throughout the time we were there, but God pulled me through. What is so amazing is seeing the kids' smiles. I love kids. I learn so much from them. . . even through only their smiles. Our trip into the village was a little chaotic; many of the gypsy families made organizing the bags very difficult because they lied about receiving bags of food. I understand why they would. I wish we could do more than give them a bag of food that will last them a week, but right now showing them the love of Jesus and PRAYING is what we can do and I'm so glad I can be a part of it. I'm so honored that our team is able to partner with MCR in blessing them. I know I talk about it all the time, but these people's hearts are so big- it's so inspiring. For the whole afternoon we worked on the cement project here at the building. Well, I may have done alot of watching. Us girls had tiny jobs. We collected rocks for the cement, and I ran to the store with Carmen to get drinks. We were mostly cheerleaders. Except for Jessica and Imelda! They rocked and were getting in there covered in dirt and cement! We then split into teams again to street evangelize and invite youth to the scavenger hint we did again tonight1 The scavenger hunt is like a weekly thing they do here for youth. I can't imagine doing a scavenger hunt every week, but it's been fun! They even made the list English this time! I've been getting alot better at going up to people and starting conversations. I usually have Oana with me to translate for me! Tonight's scavenger hunt was fun! We had to make alot of videos this time. We recorded a video of David proposing to me Lol, jump roping, having a water fight, and singing a song. Fun stuff. I'm super tired! Pray that tomorrow Micro Kids is just so blessed and goes extremely well!


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