

     Good afternoon America! :) Got in about an hour ago from eating a great meal Pastor Mehi's wife prepared! We began the day at the building with Flourine and Liz. Flourine gave an awesome presentation on Masters Commission. He talked about how it started in Targoviste, their principles and goals, and some of the students gave their testimonies which were SO encouraging. It is amazing to see how all the people here serve God. It is the most passionate love and is inspiring. Flourine asked us to go around the room and talk about what we were going to do with our lives and how we were going to serve God. I'm going through many transitions in my life and basically all my decisions and options are all up in the air! But I have the desire to serve and be a disciple of God in whatever way He wants me to. So my prayer is that I listen to God and that I'm able to hear His voice loud and clear. I know that when I'm with kids I'm in my element, that I teach well, and love to write. I have just felt so urged to use everything I can to serve my Savior wherever He wants me to and doing whatever He wants me to (even when it's really scary!). Although I had to come to Romania to figure all this out, I'm so glad I did. Again, the people here have been incredible! It's awesome having people here to talk to you who have at one point felt and thought the same things. God is so good, and we have all been so blessed! 
      The men worked on their cement project for pretty much the whole afternoon. Tomorrow they begin mixing and pouring cement I believe. I hope I'm able to help out with that! The rest of the team prepared for Micro Kids on Saturday because we will be helping out with the service. Chelby and I are going to do the memory verse, worship, and game! We are so pumped! Totally feel this is where we'll serve best. We also went to another Romanian grocery store where we picked up the things we needed for Micro Kids. I also picked up a couple things of my own like green apple juice (the best! it's really green!) and chocolate to take back home! After that we met back at the building and prepared for street evangelizing where we gathered more youth for another scavenger hunt! Our team won this time!! Woohoo! But it was probably because we had Nikki was on our team and had a car! She picked up almost everything at her house Lol! We are cheaters! Our prize was coca cola and chocolate chip cookies!The youth broke up into small groups after the  scavenger hunt. Jessica and I went with Nikki to pick up food from Pastor Mehi's house. We were able to meet his wife and two daughters who were adorable! It was cool because Mehi's wife remembered Crystal and asked lots of questions about her. Crystal: we need to plan a trip out here ASAP! :) All in all, another great day. Gotta go, I have Caleb breathing down my neck Lol. I think he wants to go on Facebook!


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