
Monday & Tuesday

     I wasn't able to update my blog yesterday because my laptop wasn't charging, but I finally got it to work. Charging my laptop gives me about two hours of battery over here. :/ Anyways, it's been pretty much free days because yesterday we were supposed to visit a home for rescued women from sex trafficking. But, the women had an awesome opportunity to receive free dental work instead. So on Monday we started the day with some awesome worship with Pastor Travis. We all visited Dracula's Towers which was amazing! We could only take in one camera (I was the designated photographer) so you can check out all the photos on my Facebook! We also went shopping for supplies because on Friday we are taking bags of groceries to a gypsy village. We organized and bagged everything up. Shopping in a Romanian grocery store was an experience. . . lots of fun.:) We had dinner at Nikki's mom's house where she made these super delicious cabbage rolls and drank lemon Fanta because Crystal said to get it over here. :) We went to Liz's house and played spoons for a while and went to a really cute coffee shop, so it was another late night. The whole team has been making tons of new friends, and we all love it.

     Today we visited Pele's Castle in Sinaia. Today was supposed to be our day to tour, but yesterday ended up being free day as well. Pele's Castle was extremely beautiful. We had about an hour and a half tour and had the chance to shop a little up there. When we got back we gathered at the church and prayed over our friends as well as the church. It was an awesome time where God's presence was felt all around the room. I am so thankful for all the support here! We also did a prayer walk afterwards where we split into teams and prayed over different parts of the city and people. It was an awesome experience. As tired as I am, I am loving being here. God has already been speaking to me and revealing Himself. It has been such a great time of intimacy with the Lord and my prayer is that when I get back I am as on fire for Jesus as I am here. I want to serve God in ways I never thought possible. That has been my prayer and twice I've had ladies pray that over me and Crystal recently wrote me a message with the same words in it. I am just so grateful to be here and am being so blessed. Sometimes I wish we could be doing a little more, but I know that God's plan is for us to be doing exactly what we are doing!

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