
Bags are packed. . . and the traveling begins!

     Woohoo! Today is the long-awaited day. June 30th is finally here, and I am beyond excited. Except now the nerves are kicking in. :) I can't believe we are leaving today. . . it feels like just yesterday it was February, and we were having our first meetings.
     So today and mostly tomorrow will be just travel updates. We are heading off to San Diego at 7am. We will be flying from San Diego to San Francisco and from San Francisco to Frankfort, Germany on one of those huge air buses! From Frankfort we will fly to Bucharest and drive a couple hours to arrive in Targoviste around 5 or 6 pm if everything goes as planned. But of course, the saying "blessed is the flexible" will be used I'm guessing quite often on this trip! 
     So it will be about around 14-17 hours of flying. That is one thing I'm nervous about- being in the air overnight for so long! Hopefully I'll be able to sleep! I'm also worried a tad about the weather. I had no idea how to pack for 80 degree thunderstorms! Especially all in one suitcase! Lol! My biggest dilemma the past couple of days is fitting all my stuff in one suitcase! I finally condensed it down. . . my suitcase had been filled with only 5 days worth of clothes! Pshh, who needs a clean pair of clothes for each day anyways?? Just Kidding. I managed to squeeze in enough clothes- and laundry soap too! (Not kidding, Chelby and I plan on doing a bathtub laundry sesh.)
     I don't know when I'm going to be able to update this blog- but I hope to every night with all the pics and videos I've taken. I want to record everything, hehehe but still be in the moment. :)
Huge thank you to everyone who helped get me here. And for all the encouraging words!
Keep the team in your prayers, please!!!
P.S. I realized all my exclamation points look like lowercase L's at the end of words. But I didn't want to change the font because it looks alot like my writing!

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